Ex-Mass Effect developers express interest in TV show

Mordin one of them, anyway.

Mass Effect’s former lead writer and composer have expressed interest in collaborating on Amazon’s potential plans for a Mass Effect TV series.

It comes after another BioWare lead writer, David Gaider, yesterday said the idea of a Mass Effect TV adaptation made him “cringe”.

“I’m not involved, but I’m looking forward to it!” writer Drew Karpyshyn said on Twitter. “Happy to consult if they want my input. ;)”

Karpryshn served as lead writer on both Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2, and also wrote a trilogy of tie-in novels. He left BioWare in 2012, through returned for a stint to work on Star Wars: The Old Republic and Anthem. Then he left again.

“Hmmmm. I’m gonna throw my hat in the ring on this one,” composer Sam Hulick wrote, also on Twitter.

Hulick composed music for all of the original Mass Effect trilogy, as well as some of its DLC.

“Haha… I love how we both chimed in with interest in being involved :D,” he added, after seeing Karpyshyn similarly taking an interest.

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Both sound more excited than David Gaider, who yesterday said he was uncertain about the idea of any Mass Effect – or Dragon Age – show which canonised elements players had previously had the freedom to choose.

Most notably, that included the Mass Effect trilogy’s protagonist, Shepard, who is introduced as something of a blank slate.

On the upside, there’s the possibility that Henry Cavill is somehow involved.

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