Pokémon Unite fans are enjoying this naked Machamp glitch

A glitch in Pokémon Unite has exposed Machamp’s bottom.

The ripped Fighting-type Pokémon is typically seen wearing a pair of skin-tight trunks around his waist. But in the screenshot below (thanks, Comic Book), a glitch has exposed his muscled buttocks.

Thankfully, he’s not facing forwards.


Butt Machamp’s big reveal has sparked a hot debate among Pokémon fans, who previously pointed to an official Pokémon Company statement that Machamp was… always naked.

According to The Pokémon Company, Machamp’s trunks and belt are simply part of its skin, and just a marking on its body.

This new nude glitch, however, might point otherwise.

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Pokémon has had a conflicted history with creatures wearing clothes. Some Pokémon do dress up, as seen in the anime and increasingly in Pokémon Go, where costumed variants are regularly part of in-game events.

But Pokémon are not hatched wearing clothes, according to the Pokémon universe’s lore. Hence, the cheeky Machamp must be naked.

Pokémon Unite launched for Nintendo Switch last week. It’s a free-to-play MOBA, designed by Tencent’s own TiMi Studios, and is coming to smartphones next in September.

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