Twitch launches new Alerts feature to personalise streams

Twitch is today launching a new Alerts feature, to help creators personalise their streams.

Most streamers will have alerts for new followers, subscribers, and more, but these are usually created using third-party apps like Streamlabs.

Twitch’s Alerts feature will allow streamers to create and edit alerts directly within Twitch, to acknowledge key interactions including hype trains, goals, raids, charity donations, and more.

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Two new types of interaction will be unique to Twitch: Interactive Resubs (so return subscribers can customise the alert with text) and Celebrations (where an alert triggers an emote animation across the stream).

Twitch new interactive resub alert
Twitch’s new Interactive Resub alert.

Streamers will be able to edit various parameters, like text, colours, visuals, sound and more, as well as bulk edit multiple alerts for consistency.

Back in January, an open letter from Twitch’s chief product officer Tom Verrilli noted its commitment to facilitating deeper interactions within communities and improving viewer recognition. This new Alerts feature is a key part of that.

The open letter also detailed more ways streamers can make money, plus an updated ads incentive programme.

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